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Top 10 things you shouldn’t store in your attic

If your attic hasn’t been converted, the area isn’t “climate controlled” and the fluctuations in temperature, can ruin the items you store. Attics were originally used to store Christmas decorations and holiday cases, but nowadays more people use it for everyday and seasonal storage. This article will cover the top 10 items you shouldn’t be storing in your attics and why.

  1. Books

    Silverfish love starchy material, the dark and a high humidity too. If your books are special to you and are stored in the attic, you should probably review their existing arrangements. Signed books by favourite authors, ones passed down in the family and your favourite reads should never be left in the attic. Over time they can become deformed by the damp and chewed by critters.

  2. Wood furniture

    Changes in temperature makes wood swell and crack over time, warping your furniture. Similarly, if wood dries out, cracks can appear and so it’s important to find other storage solutions. The changes in temperature will result in wood contracting and expanding and the humidity will also encourage the growth of mould; and this will form between the cracks, causing the wood to rot.

  3. Candles

    If your child had decorated a candle years ago but you didn’t have the heart to burn it, don’t have the heart to put it in the attic either. Candles in the attic is a ‘no-no’, they will melt in the summer months and your handmade candle will never look the same again.

  4. Clothing

    Ones that don’t fit you right now but might in the future, precious items such as a wedding dress, suit, or seasonal items like jumpers, can be things you don’t want to to part with. However, if clothes are left in a moist environment for an extended period of time, mould will grow and destroy them. If they are put in the attic, it’s important to keep them in an airtight plastic container. Vacuum bags are the ideal alternative to your storage problems.

  5. Leather

    As most of you probably know, you must take care when simply washing leather. Leather is expensive and should be treated properly if going into storage. If leather is subjected to a leak or damp, this can potentially shrink and ruin your valuable items permanently.

  6. Photographs

    entimental possessions like photos will be damaged due to the rapid changes in temperature, and high levels of humidity can potentially ruin your prints. Especially if you don’t have a backup of these images, this could be very upsetting.

  7. Paper

    Birth certificates, bills, pay cheques should be stored in a fireproof safe inside the house and not the attic. The attic poses various threats that could destroy your paperwork such as, silverfish, mould, mice, leaks and temperature changes.

  8. Toys

    Store in airtight containers, otherwise these will most likely harbour mould and holes from critters in your attic. Children grow out of their toys eventually, but if you’ve kept them in hope for your grandchildren, then storing them in the attic might not be your best bet.

  9. VCR tapes

    Exceptionally hot summers can cause VCRs to melt and the cold winters can cause a buildup of moisture that’ll ruin the tape inside. If they’re special to you, it’s best to keep them in room temperature area and stored in plastic cases.  

  10. Garden furniture

    Metal chairs and tables can rust, leaving your furniture looking old, tired and possibly unusable. If you have soft loungers the loft should also be avoided due to the potential for damp – even if it’s just in your attic until next summer, your possessions could be ruined by the time you wish to reuse them.

Kingsmead Conversions
hope that you keep treasured belongings stored appropriately, away from any threats of damage. If you wish to convert your attic into a liveable space and want more information or guidance, please give us a call today and we will provide you with all you need to know.


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